Miscellaneous thoughts for April, 2014

Did the Supreme Court get it right and affirmative action is not needed? Nevada rancher Bundy (“slavery is good”) & LAClipper owner Sterling (“don’t be with blacks!”) show there may still be a need.

Texas Tech said NO to spending $1 million, including a quarter of a million dollars in salary for the coach, so its chess team coach & her entire team went to Webster U., which was, presumably more giving.  The Chess team?  Really?   Check, mate?

Rep. Michael Grimm, (R-NY) has been indicted for fraud and perjury. He says he’s innocent. If you don’t believe him, he’ll throw you off a balcony.

Beware the peacock mantis shrimp. Its “arms” shoot out like a .22 bullet, so fast that it boils the water in its path, crushing its prey easily.  The “arms” are almost indestructible. Scientists are looking at how we can duplicate its properties in a man-made substance.

More FDA news. It’s gonna start regulating electronic cigarettes and hookahs. I guess where there’s smoke, there’s……FDA?

Supreme Court rules, 6-2, that states may stop using race as a factor in university admissions. Academic affirmative action may be dead.

FDA news. It’s accelerating approval of a boys’ muscular dystrophy drug, and its food label rules are before the Supreme Court in Pom v Coke, where Coke says it followed the FDA labeling rules, but Pom says even so, Coke was duping the public.

Two wrongs made them Writers. Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer have both become columnists, Weiner for the NY Daily News, Spitzer for Slate.

Researchers now say your cognitive performance starts to decline at age 24. Yup, 24 is the new 80. You’ve peaked, my friend. Downhill. Can’t even finish a….

Wanna be a part time cabbie? Sign up with a ride-share company. You use your car, and pick up “fares” through a smart phone app.

Calvin Klein’s Obsession for Men attracts jaguars. (Not Audi’s?) And how was this discovered? And do young men ask “what attracts cougars?”

Oregon firm RevMedx has developed a syringe that injects tiny sponges into a wound to stop postpartum bleeding and gunshot bleeding in 15 seconds.

This summer D.C. begins using thermal hydrolysis to turn poop into power. Waste to electricity. Lemons to lemonade? Eww, bad analogy.

We now know the CIA gave copies of the banned “Dr. Zhivago” to Soviet citizens as propaganda during the cold war. Will Sears use “Frozen” to sell refrigerators?

A blood test now being tested predicts with 90% accuracy whether you will get Alzheimer’s within 2-3 years. Do you want to know?

Heads up. An improved “cold cap” worn on the head by chemotherapy patients constricts blood vessels around their hair roots to reduce chemotherapy hair loss.  The cap awaits FDA approval.

Just when you thought you heard it all. There is a food truck in D.C. that only sells gravy, and doesn’t advertise. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/only-a-fool-could-resist-the-gravy-train-dcs-most-unusual–and-hard-to-find–food-truck/2014/03/31/6fad373c-b5f7-11e3-b899-20667de76985_story.html

$12 burgers at McDonald’s? Yup. But only in Switzerland, for now. Guess you don’t deserve a break today over there. Who’da thunk it?