

Whenever possible, it’s better to avoid Court. But how can you settle things if you are not on speaking terms with the other side? Or if your positions are so far apart? Or if you don’t know how to reach an agreement?

Mediation is one answer. Through mediation you can speak directly to the other party with a third party professional in the room. By listening to each side’s needs, the mediator can help you reach an agreed-upon resolution. A mediator will keep both sides talking, instead of fighting.

While there is never a guarantee that mediation will work for your situation, it’s an alternative to litigation that should be at least considered. Through mediation, you get to make the decisions on important matters in your life instead of having a judge do it. A decision that is mutually made is more likely to be kept. Mediation is also less stressful, and less expensive, than going to Court.

We can help you deal with your conflicts constructively. Our mediation, and collaborative law services can be effective in resolving your legal issues. Please call us at 301-251-1600.
